Visitor Guidelines

General Visiting
- Weekday visiting hours are from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 pm and 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 pm on Mondays and 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Tuesdays - Fridays. Weekend and holiday hours are 12:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Exceptions are based on specific patient and family circumstances. Visiting cannot interfere with scheduled appointments, programming, activities or the privacy of other patients.
- All visitors must stop and sign in the “Visitor Sign In” book located at the clerk desk and sign out upon leaving the unit.
- A staff member must check all packages, bags, belongings intended for patients before being given to the patient. Any contraband items (sharps/razors, glass items, anything containing alcohol, cigarettes, medications) will be held and given to the visitor upon departure from the unit or placed in the patient belongings bin for the patient to take with them at discharge.
- If a patient is not available for visitors the visitors may wait in the family waiting area outside of the unit.
- If, at any time, there is a problem with a visitor, staff may ask the visitor to leave and terminate the visit. If nursing staff is concerned for patient or staff safety or is concerned with the safety of the patients in the milieu, a visit may be terminated and the visitor escorted off the unit. All incidents will be documented in the patient record and shared with the treatment team in rounds; the continued appropriateness of the visitor to the unit will be determined.
- Any time a patient requests not to have specific visitors, the names of those individuals will be listed at the clerk desk. Unless there is a release of information from the patient, to a
particular individual, no information will be shared/made available to visitors. - All minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and must be supervised at all times by that adult who is not the patient.
- Visitors may bring food onto the unit; however, the food must be consumed during the visit. Beverages must be sealed and caffeine free.
- No hospital meals or food is to be shared with visitors.
Visitation from Former Patients
- Visitation of a former patient is discouraged; former patients are encouraged to seek support from resources outside of the inpatient unit.
- The Charge nurse and/or treatment team representative will meet/interview with the former patient outside of the unit to determine appropriateness of the visitor to the unit.
- If a former patient visits a current patient, the visit may be monitored by nursing staff to determine therapeutic value of the visit as determined by the Charge nurse.
- A physician order must to be written to disallow a former patient from visiting a current patient.
- If at any time there is concern about the appropriateness of the visit, the Charge nurse can make the determination to have the visit stopped and the nurse will discuss with the former and current patient the concerns of nursing staff.
Visiting Among Patients
- Patients may socialize with other patients in the common areas on the unit including the dining rooms and lounge, not in patient rooms.
- No physical contact is allowed between patients.