How Much Do You Know About Colorectal Cancer?
March 15, 2023
Categories: Cancer, Digestive (GI) Health, Men's Health, Women's Health
1. Colorectal cancer is easy to detect because the patient always has symptoms.
2. Your risk of getting colorectal cancer increases as you get older.
3. The guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Infection say that people can stop getting colorectal cancer screening at age 80.
4. Colonoscopies are performed only after an at-home, non-invasive test shows results that are concerning.
5. Due to excellent general health care in the United States, the age guidelines for most patients to begin screening are moving toward later in life.
- Answer: False. Colorectal cancer often occurs without symptoms. Screening can find polyps and colorectal cancer even before symptoms appear. That’s why getting screened regularly for colorectal cancer is so important.
- Answer: True.
- Answer: False. The current guidelines say age 75.
- Answer: False. A provider will help determine the best screening option for each patient’s needs based on a variety of health factors.
- Answer: False. They have recently moved from age 50 to 45 because younger people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer more often.
Facts and Statistics about Colorectal Cancer | Colorectal Cancer Alliance (