With “Patience of an Angel,” Elias Abeh, PCA, Receives Friend of Nursing Award for February 2019
February 4, 2019Congratulations to Patient Care Assistant Elias Abeh, who has been honored as the Friend of Nursing Awardee on February 4, 2019. Abeh’s dedication to his patients earned him a nomination by Amanda Pifer, BSN, RN, who also works on 8 Main at Mercy Health Saint Mary’s.
An excerpt of Pifer’s nomination details his exceptional care:
“Elias has the patience of an angel. He is gifted at what he does. It is hard to pick just one example of his compassion and dedication, but one instance that resonates with me is when he was caring for an elderly woman who had dementia. She would scratch, swing, yell and curse, putting all the staff on edge, but not once did Elias bat an eyelash. His calm tone and gentle touch soothed her, which allowed for her safe care by the nursing staff.
“One minute the patient would yell at him, and the next she was asking him to hold her. As she repeated, ‘Hold me, hold me, hold me,’ he replied, ‘Okay, I have you.’ As he held her, he reassured her that she was okay. While showing her this tender love and compassion, three nurses were able to finish changing her sheets and were able to properly provide excellent care for her.

“This is just one example. Elias is always kind and respectful to all patients, with a smile on his face. He is a great asset to 8 Main and to all of Mercy Health.”
The Work Environment Council at Mercy Health Saint Mary’s thanks and honors Elias Abeh for keeping our patients safe and for being a true Friend to Nursing.
If you or someone you know would like to find out more about becoming a patient care assistant at Mercy Health, please visit www.mercyhealth.com/careers.