Winter 2018 Mercy Health Living Our Values Colleague Awards — Grand Rapids
December 5, 2018Congratulations to the recipients of the Winter 2018 Living Our Values Colleague Awards in Grand Rapids, who were nominated by colleagues who have witnessed them living the values of Mercy Health: Reverence, Commitment to Those Who Are Poor, Justice, Stewardship and Integrity.
- Daniel Boldt, Clinical Pharmacist in Pharmacy
- Jeff Carlson, Business App Analyst Kronos in Disbursements
- Susan Lyzenga, RN, Outpatient Surgery
- Alyssa Oetman, RN, Emergency Department
- Yvonne Denoo, Clinical Supervisor of the Emergency Department. Yvonne received this award in the fall but was unavailable for a photo at that time.

All Colleagues are invited to attend the reception from 3-3:30, and the award ceremony from 3:30—4:30 on 5 Lacks.